Protectivity - Selecting a Product Name Course
Welcome to PROTECTIVITY - SELECTING A PRODUCT NAME course. This course breaks down the process of selecting a product name to a 7-step process. See the Introduction video to help decide if this is the right course for you.
Perhaps you already run every name by your trademark counsel BEFORE you adopt it. If you do, that's fantastic and it is a prudent thing to do. Have you ever brought a potential name to your trademark counsel only for them to tell you ABSOLUTELY NO or perhaps STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST adopting or registering a particular name? Perhaps after they have performed a comprehensive search, with you incurring fees and delays and needing to repeat the process again until you find a name they are willing to clear?
These issues can often be avoided. The PROTECTIVITY - SELECTING A PRODUCT NAME Course will help.
This course will provide a step-by-step process which you can follow over and over again every time you need to name a new product. It will help you evaluate your potential product name on your own, early in the process so you can weed out problematic names and focus on those more likely to be protectable and less likely to interfere with the trademark rights of others!
By signing up for this course you will get

An easy-to follow repeatable process

Transcripts for every video

PDF worksheets to complete as you follow the process

PDF resource documents with guides and links

Certificate of completion (upon completion)
Limited Time Artificial Intelligence
For a limited time, access to AI-generated potential product names is included to help you brainstorm more and better names for your product. Based on your product description, the OpenAI (the maker of ChatGPT) engine is used to help you generate potential product names. We do not know for how long this feature will be available.

About the Instructor
My name is John Goodhue and I am a patent and trademark attorney at the intellectual property law firm of Goodhue, Coleman & Owens, P.C. For over 20 years, I have helped businesses protect their valuable intellectual property while avoiding unnecessary risks from the intellectual property of others.
Selecting the right product name is important. Businesses invest a lot of time and money in promoting product names whether the business is a multi-national conglomerate or a side-hustling AMAZON or ETSY seller. Picking the wrong name is a significant issue. Far too often clients have approached me asking to engage me to file trademark applications on their behalf, but I had to advise them against filing a trademark or even using the name because of the legal risks. Other times clients choose weak marks which are difficult to obtain registration on and difficult to enforce. Of course, I have these tough conversations with clients, and I don't like telling them no and they don't like hearing it (and paying for it!), but saying "NO" to a name is some of the best advice I give.
This whole course is focused on a repeatable process to provide you with the knowledge and tools to better select product names from the start. That way when you do take that name or list of potential names to your attorney, you increase the likelihood of obtaining a YES, and get there more quickly and with less cost.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I take this course?
How long does it take to complete the course?
I am in a marketing agency, can I use this process with my clients?
Will this course show me how to prepare and file a trademark application?
Can I share this course with others within my organization?

Tyler O'Daniel of GrillGate, LLC
"I thought the course was amazing! It is definitely a deep dive on how to come up with a name, and for a person who has no idea on a name up to a few ideas, they should come out on top, after the course. Usability was great, the length was good (about halfway through I had already decided), understandability was on point, and the material was very relevant!"