Providing education to help protect your innovation
We provide thoughtful, informative, and actionable course content to help you better protect your innovations
CLE Courses for Lawyers

Informed by our significant experience with a diverse client base, our content was developed based on meaningful reflection on how to make the subject matter approachable and relevant.

Even if you are familiar with intellectual property you will find our courses informative and hopefully introduce you to new ways of thinking and approaching intellectual property processes and issues.

As you can tell from the course titles and descriptions, our courses are based around addressing real-world problems or issues. It is not just about information but applying it to address the issues you face.
The Protectivity information products are a line of intellectual property related resources from the attorneys at Goodhue, Coleman & Owens, P.C.
Goodhue, Coleman & Owens, P.C.
A little bit of time invested in learning about intellectual property is time well spent for business owners and others involved with protecting the intellectual property of businesses. Many potential legal issues and frustrations can be avoided with a little bit of knowledge if you spend a little time now.
PROTECTIVITY Intellectual Property (IP) information products help bridge the gap to teach you practical information and skills you can apply now. Let us help educate you in a way which allows you to make better decisions, reduce legal fees, avoid legal issues, and ask your intellectual property lawyer the right questions.